Tuesday, March 18

Easter Planning

I'm wishing that I had kept track of the amount of hours we have put into Easter planning. I'm sure that it would surprise 95% of our church. I'm not boasting in this, but instead being thankful for the people around me and their creativity and commitment. It goes back a couple of months ago when we thought up the JUMP series, dishing it to the creative people at www.razor.ca, thinking through the 'one main point' of each Sunday and then building a worship experience that will drive that one thing home.

We just spent another 3 hours today 'brushing up' Good Friday and Easter Sunday! There were a couple of moments when we said, "there is nothing better than this!" Obviously, we are anticipating a great move of God this weekend.

On another note, Ruthie volunteered to go visit one of our members who is having major surgery tomorrow. This is the way the body of Christ is supposed to work. I can't be everywhere, all the time, to do everything...true biblical community is when we care for one another and minister to each other. It might not sound like a big deal, but it reminded me of how the church is 'supposed' to work. I'm thankful :]

We're taking the kids to the Clay Cafe tonight and then probably to Pizza Delight. Mmmmm

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