Friday, April 27


Change is coming...

This is my 'official' post to say that I will be transitioning this blog from a "HQ Spiritual Formation and Ministry" blog to my own personal blog to share whatever is on my mind as I lead Olivet Wesleyan Church

If you are tracking with the Spiritual Formation Department of the Wesleyan Church, you can keep checking their site for all of the updates and new initiatives in Adult Ministries. Dr. Jim Dunn is going to oversee Adult Ministries and he will have some very sharp people helping him.

I don't actually start at Olivet until July, but we most likely will be moving back to Canada in early June ***still praying our house will sell***.

Thanks to all of you who have been tracking my blog and getting a useful nugget here and there. If you are in love with the local church and believe that it is the hope of your community, stick with me...I think we will have some pretty sweet stuff to discuss in the future!


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