Monday, March 12

The Creative Church Conference

Yeah, yeah, Sorry I haven't posted in awhile ;-> Hey, I've been in a van with the Spiritual Formation Department traveling almost every square inch of North and South Carolina. It's hard to post on a blog from a van! We trained around 850 people in 8 days. Maybe more on that later...

Back in February my Adult Ministry Cabinet and myself attended the C3 Conference at Fellowship Church, Dallas.

In the next few postings, I'll do my best to unpack some of the main ideas from this very inspiring conference. This was my third trip to this conference, and it never disappoints.

The theme this year was, "What If?" The idea was to challenge us to start asking brave, visionary and even dangerous, "What If" type questions. Here are a few thoughts from the inside of the note-taker journal deal they gave out:

What if the church was more than a collection of the already convinced?
What if the church challenged tradition while at the same time protected the integrity of Christ's message?
What if everyone who walked through the doors could understand the message?
What if the church provided real answers for real life?

"In effect", it goes on to say, "we want you to turn what if into what is".

How long has it been since you just closed your eyes and really allowed yourself to dream crazy, God-sized dreams for your ministry? - Tim

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