Tuesday, March 13

C3 - Session 1 - Ed Young

-Ed had a spiral staircase brought onto the stage to illustrate our upward trajectory when we turn "what if" into "what is"
-Delegation: Your people are the staff of your church
-Delegation is not relegation. It's not just getting things off your plate
-Delegation is the catalyst of creativity. You have to delegate to create the time and the margin to be really creative.
-What keeps me from delegating? Conflict-I don't want to mess with it, I want to be liked; Chaos-It's messy stuff, if someone does a good job, it'll mess with my pride; Carnage-there will be casualties
-Things you can't delegate: Vision-you are the only one who can cast vision for your deal; Team Building-You are the only one who can motivate the team; Organization-you must make the big moves; Investigation-the leader has to be the one evaluating what's going on

*Bonus thought - Churches are basically about Bodies, Baptisms, and Budgets

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