Monday, November 14

A District Re- Launches Men's Ministry

I was privileged this past weekend to attend the re-launch of Men's Ministry for the Atlantic District. Led by Ken McGeorge ( a true men's ministry veteran ) they are calling their ministry "Man Alive". 58 men from 18 churches gathered to share, listen, pray and believe for God to ignite men across Atlantic Canada and Maine.

Something powerful happens when men roll up their sleeves and open up their hearts. God was there. They now have a plan, a team and a renewed commitment to seeing as many men as possible be transformed and discipled into all that God wants them to be.

A couple of recurring themes from the discussion:
Men's Ministry must be rooted in prayer. Serious, deep, intercession with God.
Men's Ministry must close the gap between our belief and our behavior. Live what we say we believe.
Men's Ministry is vital to the local church and it must consist of vital relationships.

What do you think? What impact has men's ministry had in your church? What impact has the lack of men's ministry had in your church?


Anonymous said...

Hey Tim, Wretch writing here, just wanted to touch base with you. Like your blog, you sure are getting a varied experience with age groups, etc. That is awesome, keep up the good work. Drop me a line at Take care, Allen

Mike said...

pls consider adding this to your blog roll: