Friday, November 4

Adult Ministry Cabinet

This past Wednesday and Thursday I hosted the first meeting of my ( your ) Adult Ministry Cabinet. The four cabinet members each bring a wealth of experience and a thrust of enthusiasm for seeing believers become spiritually formed.

This being our first meeting, our time was pretty much split between 'current status' and 'forward thinking' on each of the adult areas of ministry. I won't unpack all of our discussion in this one posting, but I will say that one of the things we are most excited about is "Holynext". This personal, spiritual formation retreat will be launched here @ HQ on March 24-25, 2006. Keith Drury will be our communicator, Jason Berry will be leading worship.

Here are the cabinet members left to right: Rich Avery, Robin Ritchie, Tim Guptill, Dawn Colaw, and Joel Heron. What are some of the issues that you are facing in your ministry that you would like to see this cabinet discuss? What are your thoughts on leadership teams like this?

1 comment:

David Drury said...

Good deal. Glad you guys are off and rolling.