Tuesday, October 9

Tuesday after the Big Eat!

Thanks to all of you for making Thanksgiving @ OWC a great day! There were 242 people there, celebrating God's grace. There were 29 kids in "The Factory" Sunday morning! Pastor Mark ran out of chairs for Senior High Youth on Thursday and had 20+ teens involved with "The Factory" on Sunday! When we reflect on 1st Wednesday, Youth, and Sunday...it was quite a week in the life of OWC. God is good.

On the radar: Uncle Phil's rehearsals start this Sunday. Dust off the poodle skirts :-> If you haven't heard, Uncle Phil is making a return by popular demand, Nov 16 & 17. This Sunday we are focusing on "Reaching the Next Generation". Isn't it good to come to a church where the youngest person isn't in their 50's??! New series kicks off on October 21st: "Facebook". We're going to look at connecting, community, authenticity, prayer, etc. We're going to look at Scripture and see how God has intended for us to be connected with others and connected to him. You'll even have an opportunity to post on God's wall! If you are Facebook, get connected with all the 'Oliveters'. If you aren't, why not open a Facebook account for at least the next few weeks?

It's Tuesday...but Sunday's 'a comin'!


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