Friday, September 1


There is actually more to Indiana than corn and soy bean fields! Amazing. My kids were pleasantly surprised to know that if you drive far enough north and far enough west in Indiana you will reach the Indiana Dunes on the shore of Lake Michigan. ( Besides the beach, best perk #2 would have to be the Krispy Kreme restaurant in Lafayette - Exit 172 is permanently drilled into my memory! )

Alan Wright is the Assitant Pastor at the New Life Wesleyan Church in Chesterton, IN. Al is currently in the thick of leading his church through the Sunday School - Small Group transition. I had the privilege of preaching in the two morning services and then leading a small group leaders training session after lunch ( thanks again for that chocolate cake! ) This church is a small group lab of sorts for anyone who would like to offer more opportunities for transformation in their church. It's not that we are trying to do away with Sunday School. What we all want to accomplish is changed lives.

I was really impressed with the quality of his leaders and their desire to see everyone enter into authentic relationships and community. Way to go Al! Lead on!

Do you have a similar story? Where is your church in this transition?

Last word: Yes, I have been working extra hard in the gym this week to combat the donuts and cake ;->

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