Monday, July 23

Great crowd on Sunday!

Like I said in my welcome comments on Sunday morning, it was GREAT!! to see you all on Sunday!

Hey, we had a great start to our GONE series as we looked at Gone Fishing...Jesus call to the Disciples and his call to us to be Fishers of Men. (and Ladies!) Ruthie and the band led us in meaningful worship!

Coming up this week is Gone Boating...Pastor Mark is preaching and we are going to look at Peter's water walking experience and what it means for us to step out and take great leaps of faith for Christ.

Are you fishing this week? Remember, God has placed us in the middle of a stocked pond! Build intentional relationships...invite someone to church...put out as many hooks as you can!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday. Oh yeah, this Sunday after church we are going to EAT! Well, we always eat, but we are going to fellowship together as a welcome to our family.

See you then,
Pastor Tim

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