Thursday, February 15

More from the Great Lakes

Ada Bible Church is a large church in the West Michigan area that is a regular contributor to the Great Lakes Small Groups Network. Their Small Groups Pastor shared their version of small group curriculum that is a follow up to the Sunday morning message.

It's a printed resource titled: abclinks, connecting personal and small group studies with this week's sermon.

Features: This week's core belief, how to use abclinks, a summary of the theme and study, time and place (biblical context), storyline (biblical context), scripture, today's prayer, an outline for a bible study, helps for small group discussion (warm up, dive in, take action).

In order to make a resource like this happen, the small groups department needs to know the Pastor's sermon text and direction 6 weeks in advance. As the date approaches they continue to tweak the information as the message takes shape with the Pastor. Copies of abclinks are available in the lobby after the service. Individuals and small groups are encouraged to grab a copy on their way out and continue to study the theme and text during the week.

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