Friday, April 7

3 Great Looking Small Group Resources

I've been trying to catch up on a ton of new resources that have been sent to me this Spring. Many of them have been added to our website - under each department you will see resources - Here are 3 that I thought were especially good:

1. Great Beginnings - Your First Small Group Study; This is an excellent tool for new groups or if you are trying to tempt people into the small group experience. It's also a good tool for your new leaders to use as they are venturing into the brave new world of small group leadership.

2. Small Group Kickoff Retreat - Experiential Training for Group Leaders; This book is written in a small group study guide format. It's designed as something that you would give to everyone on the retreat and you would all go through it together. So it's kind of a mix of "how to do a retreat" and the actual retreat itself.

3. Making the Critical Connection - Combining the Best of Small Group Dynamics with Sunday School; This is a revised and updated reprint of Hal Mayers book, "Step by Step". It is a good read for anyone who is trying to transition their church from a traditional Sunday School format to Small Groups or a blend of both.

All 3 of these are from Enjoy!

Do you have any resources to recommend?

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